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The Way We Are

Published: 06 June 2019

There was a voice in the void
that I listened to today
and I knew it was yours.

I couldn't hear your words
but I felt all their meaning;

that in the middle of the chaos
of these lines and dotted letters
you would have wanted to smile,

that perhaps you wanted
to call me out and call me in
to say that what I say makes you
as happy as I am.

I know
that some thoughts
are difficult to let out
with one's breath;

that it isn't easy
to say “how are you?"
to big, bald men in orange
who have not had their coffee;

that there may not come a time
when you find your courage to speak,
even if you were only to be as quiet
as a sigh of relief;

that in doing so, you might
incur the ire of those around you,
for not being who they think you are
and being everything to me
— here and now.

Never worry, I can hear you.
Even when you say nothing.

It has always been that way.
You need never change.